Text To Speech Avatar
Transform your photos into talking avatars with TopView. Upload an image, and we'll create a video of your avatar talking. Experience the magic of personalized text-to-speech animation!

How to create a text to speech avatar?
Choose Your Voice
Paste your script or upload an MP3 file. Choose the perfect voice for your avatar from a wide range of naturally-sounding AI voices.

Upload Your Image
Simply upload the photo you want to turn into a talking avatar. It could be a headshot, a funny cartoon, or any image you'd like to bring to life.

Create and Save
With just a few clicks, your text is transformed into a video where your avatar speaks and naturally emotes. Download and share your creations.

Top Use Cases
Features of Text To Speech Avatar

Customizable to the Core
Whether you're targeting a specific gender, look, style, or tone, our AI video tool gives you the freedom to tweak your avatar's features to match your brand's voice. It's like having your own digital voice.

Lifelike Avatars with Perfect Lip-Sync
Our super realistic AI-generated characters come with lip movements that are perfectly in sync with the voiceover. Make your videos feel like they are hosted by a live presenter.

Global Language Support
Dive into international markets with ease. TopView's avatars speak more than 20 languages, opening doors to a world of potential customers. It's like having a multilingual sales team at your fingertips.