Pastor Gino Jennings - when God bless your eyes | Aug 24, 2024
Nonprofits & Activism

Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord!
Hallelujah! Once again, we are indebted to the one true Living God. Let us give God Almighty a hand! Stand and give God Almighty your hand! Glory to God! Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord! Glory to God!
Brothers and sisters, and all that are watching, this is the Truth of God program that comes from the First Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. We bear witness that there is only one true Living God. Hallelujah! We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the way of Holiness revealed to His servants for our learning, and we are indebted to Him.
I had a wonderful time celebrating with the mass choir last night. It was so uplifting that I called them to request a second round! There’s something truly special about singing in the spirit and with understanding. We dedicate this program to all our young brothers and sisters around the world, especially those who are not here. We thank God for the power of the Holy Ghost! We are grateful to God for bringing us out of gross darkness into the marvelous light of the Gospel.
God has provided us with a clear understanding of the scriptural truths, revealing our path toward Him and our salvation. It’s enlightening to comprehend why we exist; God created us for His glory, and we are determined to give Him all the glory we can.
We appreciate our fellow brothers and ministers who labor alongside us in word and doctrine, including the hundreds of ministers not here with us today. We pray for provisions for those less fortunate than ourselves.
To all of you who couldn’t attend this youth conference, we hope to see you at our International Holy Convocation, which will take place from August 3rd to August 6th. Write down those dates and make plans to attend in person! Over 300,000 subscribers are tuned in to the Truth of God program. I urge you, don't just subscribe — come in person!
We must remember together that these are the last days we are living in. The message for the last days is not about getting rich or playing church; the message is to be holy, fear God, and keep His commandments, as this is the whole duty of man.
So far, 36 souls have been baptized during this conference in the name of Jesus Christ. Here’s the updated breakdown: 32 at headquarters, 22 in the Bronx, and several others in various locations across the country including Delaware, Virginia, Florida, and many more!
We can never thank God enough; we do not have words sufficient to express our gratitude, but we see the hand of God working in a mighty way. Yet, be aware that wherever God is working, the devil is also working.
I am scheduled to visit Sacramento, California for a church business meeting this month, and we will also hold services in Los Angeles in May.
When Moses was on the mountain receiving the Commandments from God, the children of Israel, instead of waiting prayerfully for his return, fell into play and disobedience. They turned their backs on God, desiring to create their own gods from golden earrings.
In Exodus 32, God showed His displeasure at the stiff-necked people of Israel. Moses acted as a mediator between them and God, advocating for mercy. It’s a profound relationship between Moses and God, where Moses could plead for the people.
Moses’ descent from the mountain revealed the chaos of the people who had turned quickly away from God's commandments. The Lord declared the people had corrupted themselves and were causing chaos and idolatry.
As Moses confronted the people, his anger kindled, and he destroyed the idol that they created. This represents the ongoing challenge of staying true to God amidst distractions and seductions of false teachings and gods.
The Church of today has unfortunately mirrored much of what happened in the past, where people have compromised holiness for the sake of popularity and acceptance. God’s requirements haven't changed, and His desire is for true worship and holiness.
Those who wish to reconnect with God through baptism or repentance are invited to step forward and receive guidance. Jesus calls us to repent and be baptized in His name for the remission of sins.
Let us remember: in the world filled with distractions, we must keep our eyes fixed on the Lord and bear witness to the truth of His word.
God, Moses, commandments, holiness, truth, repentance, baptism, sin, backsliders, church, faith.
1. What is the main message of Pastor Gino Jennings' sermon?
The main message emphasizes the need for holiness, repentance, and a steadfast relationship with God amidst distractions and false teachings.
2. When and where will the International Holy Convocation take place?
The International Holy Convocation is scheduled for August 3rd to August 6th, 2024.
3. How many individuals were baptized during the conference?
So far, 36 individuals have been baptized during the conference in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. What is the significance of Moses in the sermon?
Moses is highlighted as a mediator between God and the people, advocating for God’s mercy and demonstrating the importance of a faithful relationship with God.
5. What is required for baptism according to Pastor Jennings?
You must repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.