
Hello everyone, welcome to basic education. Today, we will discuss the question and answers of the second chapter from the English book for class 6, titled "The Raven and the Fox". This has already been explained in many chapters, so if you haven't checked those videos, please go and check them.
Multiple Choice Questions
"Such feathers" refer to which type of feathers?
- Options:
- Shiny and beautiful
- Black and dull
- Gray and long
- Short and unattractive
- Answer: Shiny and beautiful
- Options:
Why would the birds of the woods call the Raven king?
- Answer: The birds of the woods would call the Raven king because they would be impressed by his singing.
Why does the fox address the raven as 'Sir'?
- Answer: The fox addresses the raven as 'Sir' to flatter and trick him.
Extract-Based Questions
"Raven you are a handsome bird, such fads, such feathers. If you would sing, the birds of this wood would call you King."
Why did the Raven open his beak?
- Answer: The Raven opened his beak to sing and show off.
Complete the following with one word from the given lines:
- Fox: Clever
- Raven: Foolish
Why does the Raven forget that his voice is just a crow?
- Answer: The Raven forgets that his voice is just a crow because he is blinded by his foolish pride and the flattering words of the fox.
How does Reynard make the Raven sing?
- Answer: Reynard makes the Raven sing by flattering him and suggesting that if he sings, the birds would call him king.
What does Reynard say that pride is not wise?
- Answer: Reynard says that pride is not wise because it can lead to foolish actions, as demonstrated by the Raven losing the morsel when he tried to sing out of pride.
Give one reason why the teaching is quite a surprise.
- Answer: The teaching is quite a surprise because the Raven did not expect to lose his morsel due to his pride and the fox's trickery.
Imagine someone praises you too much. How would you react?
- Answer: If someone praises me too much, I would react by being cautious and reflecting on their intentions, making sure not to let the praise cloud my judgment or lead to unwise actions.
Fill in the Blanks
- Mr. Raven is a bird.
- The name of the fox is Reynard.
- Mr. Raven had a piece of food in his beak.
- The fox calls the Raven a foolish bird.
- The fox asks the Raven to sing.
- The Raven and the fox live in the woods.
- The Raven forgot that he croaked.
- The Raven opened its beak to sing.
- The food fell down.
- The fox laughed at the Raven.
- It is not wise to be too proud of oneself.
- The Raven learned a lesson.
Word Matching
- Perched - Sat on a branch.
- Morsel - A small piece of food.
- Seek - To look for something.
- Pride - Feeling that you are better than others.
- Admiring - Looking with interest at something.
- Limb - Branch of a tree.
- Woods - A smaller area of forest with similar kinds of trees.
Sequence the Story
- This will be first.
- This is the second picture.
- This is the third picture.
- This is the fourth picture.
Rhyming Words
- Words: Bird, herd, discard, guard.
- Words: Sing, King, wing, cling.
- Words: Joke, croak.
- Words: Wise, surprise.
Alliteration Examples
From Stanza 2:
- The fox in admiring tones: "Sir Raven, you are a handsome bird."
- Words: Fox, admiring, tones, sir, raven.
- "Such feathers, if only you would sing!"
- Words: such, feathers, sing.
Opposites and Sentences
- Foolish - Wise
- Prettiest - Ugly
- Crowed - Silent
- Ignorant - Aware
- The bird flew away from the branch where it had purged earlier.
- She remembered to bring her umbrella when it was raining.
- Her foolish actions led to many problems, but eventually, she became wise.
- The room was so dim that I had to turn on the light to see properly.
The Crow's Reflection (Listening Exercise)
The crow felt sad after being cheated by the fox. Reflecting on the incident, the crow realized he was fooled by the fox's flattering words. He decided to share this lesson with other animals to avoid being cheated. The moral is: "Do not let pride lead you to lose what you have."
True/False Statements:
- The crow was unhappy that he lost his food - True
- The crow thought his lovely feathers made him smart - False
- The crow wanted to tell his friends not to be proud - True
- Raven
- Fox
- Pride
- Foolishness
- Flattery
- Caution
- Lesson
- Trickery
- Singing
- Woods
Q: Why did the Raven open his beak?
- A: The Raven opened his beak to sing and show off.
Q: Why would the birds of the woods call the Raven king?
- A: The birds of the woods would call the Raven king because they would be impressed by his singing.
Q: How does Reynard make the Raven sing?
- A: Reynard makes the Raven sing by flattering him and suggesting that if he sings, the birds would call him king.
Q: What did the Raven learn about pride?
- A: The Raven learned that pride is not wise as it can lead to foolish actions, exemplified by losing his food when trying to sing out of pride.
Q: How should one react to excessive praise?
- A: One should be cautious and reflect on the intentions behind the praise to avoid unwise actions.