Airplane Activation Update!

Hello everyone! This week, we have exciting updates regarding the activation of airplanes in SFLY. I am Roberto Capap, your SFLY spokesperson, and I’m here to walk you through the latest developments in our aircraft activation process.
How to Activate an Airplane
To begin the activation of an airplane, navigate to your settings page and select "New Assets." Here, you can choose an airplane to activate; for this demonstration, we’ll pick the Airbus E320.
You’ll notice that certain details need to be filled out before activation, such as the tail number and experience points. This particular airplane hasn’t been activated yet. Once you've chosen the aircraft, you can press the "activate" button.
To select where your airplane will be based, you need to choose an airport. Let's pick Tampa, Florida (KTAP).
Next, it’s essential that you enter a unique tail number. This number should not be taken by another user within SFLY. For instance, if you try to use N72DK, the system will alert you that this tail number is already in use. You can choose a tail number starting with a letter and followed by a maximum of three letters or numbers.
Once the tail number is set, you’ll accept the terms and conditions and click activate. Your airplane is now activated! You can view all activated planes and their details, but remember: this is currently being tested and may not represent actual production data.
After activation, you will notice the option to view your logbook and any other details related to your recently activated aircraft.
Flight Report Features
In addition to airplane activation, we’ve also revamped the flight report feature. When pilots complete flights, they generate packs and experience points that are relevant to different licenses they possess.
Experience points affect your assets—such as airlines, licenses, and airports—but they don’t transfer to users directly, except in certain scenarios. Packs, on the other hand, can be used for various in-game transactions.
New Flight Reporting Data
The new flight reporting layout will simplify tracking your packs and experience points. At a glance, you’ll see which assets are generating points based on your flying activity.
Expect this change to enhance how you monitor your progress and achievements within SFLY.
Upcoming Developments
We are also finalizing a new client for SFLY; testing is currently underway. If the tests pass, we will be rolling out this client soon. Please stay tuned for these updates!
Ask Me Anything Section
In our monthly Ask Me Anything section, we addressed various questions from the community regarding experience points compared to packs, the possibility of introducing helicopters, and future support for Mac users.
We encourage further inquiries from our users, as your feedback drives improvements and developments in SFLY.
Thank you for your continued support, and as always, we wish you safe flights with SFLY!
Airplane activation, SFLY, unique tail number, flight report, experience points, packs, new client, testing, Ask Me Anything, community feedback.
Q: How do I activate an airplane in SFLY?
A: To activate an airplane, go to the settings page, select "New Assets," choose your airplane, pick a unique tail number, select an airport, and then accept the terms and conditions to activate.
Q: Are experience points the same as packs?
A: No, experience points are allocated to assets, whereas packs can be utilized for in-game transactions.
Q: Will helicopters be available in SFLY?
A: Yes, helicopters are planned for the future but will be introduced after we ensure that all functionalities for airplanes are working perfectly.
Q: Will SFLY support Mac users?
A: Developing a client for MacOS is on our roadmap, but we want to ensure the Windows version is stable first.
Q: What changes are coming to the flight report feature?
A: The flight report feature will be enhanced to display packs and experience points more clearly, making it easier to track your assets' performance.